DIFIS-Studie 2024/3: Social Policy and Social Policy Research in Poland
Studies in the field of social policy are not numerous in Poland, but new majors containing this category in the name are still being created. Bachelor's degree curricula in this area are predominant, with studies most often offered within the discipline of political science and administration. In addition, there are a number of study programmes in related majors, where social policy issues are discussed. Social policy political consultancy is widespread at all levels of state organisation and in every type of social policy institution. It most often takes place in the form of the work of consultative councils, panels and commissions addressing broader or narrower social policy issues. There is a rich social policy data infrastructure. Public institutions are required to collect data relating to their statutory activities. These data are made available in the form of databases and reports. Also, academic and other research centres carry out numerous studies and research on social policy. The most important institution aggregating key quantitative data on social policy is the Central Statistical Office.
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Grażyna Firlit-Fesnak, Łukasz Łotocki: DIFIS-Studie 2024/3: Social Policy and Social Policy Research in Poland
Professor of social sciences, researcher and lecturer at the
Department of Social Policy at the Faculty of Political Sciences and International Studies of
the University of Warsaw, from 1994 to 2006 – Deputy Director and during 2007-2008 Director
of the Institute of Social Policy of the Faculty of Journalism and Political Science. In 1993 -
1996, a member of the Social Policy Council at the Office of the President of the Republic of
Poland, between 1991 and 2011, a coordinator of the cooperation of the Institute of Social
Policy with German universities, she received the award of the German Minister of Education
and Science for outstanding achievements in the field of German-Polish cooperation of uni-
versities (2005).
Ph.D. with habilitation in social sciences in the discipline of political science. Head of the Department of Social Policy at the Faculty of Political Sciences and International Studies of the University of Warsaw, head of studies in the fields of social policy and organization of labour market. Researcher and lecturer in social policy, sociology, public debate and decision making and social research methodology. A participant and an
expert in numerous projects on social policy, labour market policy, international migration and social integration policy, social dimension of revitalisation, social communication, etc. carried out by public institutions, non-governmental organizations and research and training centres.